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Service Connected VA Disability Claims

Service Connected VA Disability Claims

Do you know three elements that a veteran has to show in order to receive direct service- connected compensation from the VA? What you don’t know can destroy your service connection claim. Let us help you with your service connected VA disability claim now.

How A Service Connected Veteran Disability Claim Works

There are 3 elements that a veteran must prove in order to receive direct service-connected compensation from the VA:

  1. Current disability/diagnosis,
  2. Event/injury /disease and service,
  3. Nexus.

You must prove each of these elements to be successful in proving service connection. Let’s learn more about each of the three elements using the example of a veteran who injured their back in a training exercise.

Current disability diagnosis

The 1st element an improving service connection claims is a current disability/diagnosis which has been diagnosed by a medical professional.

Event/injury/disease in service

The 2nd element is this show there’s something happened to the veteran while they were in service pray the veteran must have evidence such as service records, service medical records for lay evidence of the disease, injury or the event in service.


To prove service connection, you’ve got to link the current disability/diagnosis with the in-service event, injury, or disease.

That’s  Called Nexus.

The veteran must have medical evidence that the current disability and the in-service event/injury/ disease are related.

How to Prove Nexus

What does the veteran need to show to prove nexus? The legal  standard of proof requires that the veteran show that their current medical condition is related to service  with a medical opinion that “it is  at least ais likely as not” that the current disability and the in-service event/injury/ disease are related .  So, how does this really work?

Let’s say you’re a veteran who injured your low back while in the service and you want to file a claim for service connection compensation for your low back condition.

  1. You must submit medical records documenting treatment for your injury,
  2. You must submit medical records of a current lumbar spine diagnosis and
  3. You must submit a medical report that states that it is more likely as not that the veteran’s current lumbar spine condition is a result of the in-service accident

One, two, three!

But are there exceptions to proving Direct service connection?

Exceptions To Proving Direct Service Connection for Veteran Disability Claims

Absolutely! the most important exception is what’s called presumptive service connection thread there are some medical conditions designated by the VA, such as ALS, are presumptively service connected by law. This means that you don’t have to prove the nexus  element

Need A Service Connection Veteran Disability Lawyer?

If you believe that you’re entitled to VA direct service connection benefits, consider consulting a qualified VA disability attorney, such as myself, who can help you get the VA disability benefits you deserve.

Call my office immediately for a free consultation at 727-894-3188 I can help you regardless of where you live in the United States.

Service connection claims, elements to prove direct service connection, direct service connection benefits.