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Dependency and Indemnity Compensation DIC VA Disability Claims

Dependency and Indemnity Compensation DIC VA Disability Claims

Was your family member a veteran, who’s primary or contributing cause of death was a condition that was service connected? Was your family member a veteran who had 100% service-connected disability for 10 years prior to their death?

I am so sorry for your loss. As the daughter of a veteran, I want you to know that you and your family may be entitled to dependency and indemnity compensation, known as DIC. You owe it to yourself and your family to learn more about your rights to DIC and accrued benefits for benefits that were due but not determined.

Introduction to Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC)

The untimely death of veteran can leave their family in financial straits. However, you and your family may be entitled to dependency and indemnity compensation which is monthly compensation paid to a surviving spouse/dependent child of a veteran when:

1. the veteran’s primary or contributing cause of death was a condition that was service connected; OR

2. the veteran had a 100% service-connected disability for 10 years prior to death.

DIC benefits are paid monthly.

What Happens if A Claim for Service Connection Has Not Been Decided at the Time of the Veteran’s Death?

What happens if a veteran file a claim for service connection but dies before the claims adjudicated? The surviving spouse can step in and continue to claim benefits.

If the claim is awarded, the VA will pay the spouse the amount of money it would have paid the veteran were they still alive. This payment is called accrued benefits.

Accrued benefits are the benefits that are payable at a time the time of the veteran’s death. In other words, if a veteran was entitled to VA benefits, before his death, but was never paid by the VA, the surviving spouse/dependent child may be entitled to those accrued benefits.

The payment of accrued benefits is a one-time retroactive payment.

DIC VA Disability Claims Attorney

If you believe that you’re entitled to DIC or accrued benefits, you should consult a qualified VA disability attorney, such as myself, who can help you get you and your family the DIC or accrued benefits you deserve.

Call my office immediately for a free consultation at 727-894-3188 I can help you regardless of where you live in the United States with your DIC VA Disability claim.